API Security Testing

Reveal and Address Vulnerabilities in Your APIs.

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API Security Testing is a specialized form of cybersecurity assessment focused on identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities and weaknesses in Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

APIs are crucial components of modern software applications, facilitating communication and data exchange between different systems and services. API security testing aims to ensure that these interfaces are secure and resistant to potential cyber threats.


  • Attack Surface Analysis: Analyze the API’s attack surface to determine potential entry points and weak spots that could be targeted by attackers.
  • Security Assessment: Evaluate the API for common security risks and threats, such as injection attacks, broken authentication, security misconfigurations, and mass assaignment etc..
  • Risk Prioritization: Prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact on the application and its data.
  • Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations for mitigating and remedying identified vulnerabilities and security weaknesses.

Why we need API Testing?

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Testing Methodology

At Sabean, our approach to API security testing is characterized by a thorough and systematic methodology, rooted in our extensive cybersecurity expertise. We acknowledge the critical role APIs play in modern software ecosystems and are committed to ensuring their robust protection against potential threats.

Here’s an overview of our approach:

Defining the Scope

Identify the API endpoints that will be included in the assessment. An API may have multiple endpoints that perform different functions. Ensure that all relevant endpoints are considered.

Requirement Gathering

Gather all important technical details of API endpoints scoped for testing.

API Discovery

Identify all API endpoints within targeted application, mapping out data flows, and understanding how these interfaces interact with other systems and external services.

Threat Modeling

Evaluating the API’s architecture, data flow, and interactions to pinpoint potential attack vectors and weaknesses. The objective is to prepare a test case checklist tailor-made to the application in question. 

Security Testing

API security testing goes beyond OWASP standards, comprehensively assessing APIs for vulnerabilities and security risks.


API testing reporting is a comprehensive summary of the assessment, documenting the test scope, methodology, and detailed findings, empowering stakeholders with actionable insights for enhancing API security and functionality.

Test Case Examples

Authorization Assesmet

Our testing includes a deep dive into the  authorization mechanisms of your APIs. We scrutinize the implementation to verify that only authorized entities can access and perform actions through the APIs.

Auhentication Assesmet

Sometimes authentication incorrectly implemented. This can lead to attackers compromising authentication tokens or exploiting implementation flaws to temporarily or permanently assume other users’ identities. Such compromises not only undermine a system’s ability to identify clients or users but also pose a significant threat to overall API security.

Mass Assaignment 

Mass assignment is a security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker can manipulate an API to modify an object’s attributes or properties, including sensitive ones, by submitting additional or unexpected data. This can lead to unauthorized changes and data exposure.

Input Validation

Just as with web applications, we assess how your APIs handle input data, checking for vulnerabilities like injection attacks (e.g., SQL injection) and ensuring data is properly validated and sanitized.

Rate Limiting and Throttling Analysis

Our testing evaluates rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to prevent abuse or misuse of APIs, safeguarding against potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

SSRF flaws can occur when an API is fetching a remote resource without validating the user-supplied URI. This enables an attacker to coerce the application to send a crafted request to an unexpected destination, even when protected by a firewall.

Contact Us:

Feel free to get in touch with us for all your security testing inquiries. We’re here to assist you in safeguarding your digital assets and ensuring a robust security posture.
