Application Security Testing

Top-Tier Service.

In Sabean Technology, we define penetration testing as a strategic and methodical assessment of your digital infrastructure’s security, following the industry-standard guidelines set forth by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It involves simulating real-world cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your systems, applications, and networks.

Our goal is not only to uncover potential risks but also to provide actionable insights and recommendations in alignment with OWASP best practices to strengthen your defenses. We view penetration testing as a proactive and essential measure to protect your digital assets and maintain a robust cybersecurity posture while adhering to OWASP standards.

Why Penetration Testing Matters?

  • Adhering protection of Sensetive data
  • User Privacy Assurance
  • Mitigation of Financial Risks
  • Preventing Disruption and Downtime

Objective of Penetration Testing

  • Identifying security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of security controls.
  • Providing actionable recommendations for mitigation.

We perform penetration testing through a systematic and rigorous process. Click below and explore our penetration testing methodologies.  

    Sabean Application Secutity Solutions

    web security

    Web Penetration Testing

    Our expert ethical hackers systematically analyze your web-based systems, seeking out potential security risks such as coding flaws, configuration errors, and vulnerabilities in authentication and authorization mechanisms.

    API Security Testing

    API Penetration Testing

    API penetration testingis a cybersecurity assessment focused on evaluating the security of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). It involves simulating real-world attacks to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses in API endpoints, authentication mechanisms, and data handling.

    red teaming

    Mobile Penetration Testing

    Mobile penetration testing is a cybersecurity assessment specifically tailored to assess the security of mobile applications and devices. It involves thorough testing to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential entry points within mobile apps, ensuring they are resilient against real-world cyber threats.

    Do you know?


    The global average cost per Data Breach stands at 4.45 million U.S. dollars, whereas the average cost of a data breach in the United States is notably higher at 9.48 million U.S. dollars.

    Want to know more about our service?

    If you’re interested in our comprehensive application security testing services or have any inquiries, we’re here to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team by sending an email to:


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