
By Sabean Technology Team

Sabean Security Research Team Discovered Thousands of Misconfigured OpenVPN Monitoring Servers

In an era where cybersecurity is paramount, Sabean Technology’s dedicated security research team has uncovered a critical issue that demands immediate attention. Thousands of OpenVPN Status Monitoring servers have been identified with misconfigurations that not only expose sensitive user information but also grant unauthorized access to disconnect users from their VPNs.

Sabean Technology

Sabean’s meticulous security research has revealed a widespread misconfiguration in OpenVPN status monitoring servers. This vulnerability exposes crucial details such as user IP addresses, usernames, account IDs, and, shockingly, provides the ability to disconnect users from their VPNs without requiring any authentication.

The consequences of these misconfigurations are severe and far-reaching. Exposing user information poses a significant privacy risk, making users susceptible to various cyber threats. Additionally, the unauthorized ability to disconnect users could lead to service disruptions, creating chaos for both individuals and organizations relying on secure VPN connections.

Figure #1 – Example exposed Server 

Google Dork to Discover exposed servers:

intitle:"OpenVpn Status Monitor"

Figure #2 – Google Dorking Contribution 

The Importance of Timely Action

Understanding the urgency of addressing this issue, Sabean’s security research team is taking swift action to notify affected parties. OpenVPN server administrators are urged to review and update their configurations immediately to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability.