Web Application Penetration Testing

Strengthen Your Website's Armor: Find and Fix Vulnerabilities with Web Penetration Testing.
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A web penetration testing is a specialized cybersecurity service tailored to assess the security of your web applications and web services. We conduct this assessment by simulating real-world cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses unique to your digital assets.

Our expert ethical hackers systematically analyze your web-based systems, seeking out potential security risks such as coding flaws, configuration errors, and vulnerabilities in authentication and authorization mechanisms.

The objective of web penetration testing is to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your web-based assets’ security posture.

We go beyond identifying issues; we offer actionable insights and recommendations specifically tailored to enhance the security of your web presence. This proactive approach helps safeguard your internal & external assets and protect them from potential cyber threats and breaches.


  • Identify and assess vulnerabilities within the web application
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the application’s authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Examine the management of user sessions and tokens
  • Detect and prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities
  • Ensure that file uploads and downloads are secure
  • Provide guidance on fixing identified vulnerabilities and improving security practices

Types of Web Penetration Testing

Web application penetration testing encompasses various types, each designed to address specific aspects of security. Here are some common types of web application penetration testing:

  • Black Box Testing: Testers have no prior knowledge of the application’s code or architecture. They simulate external attacks, attempting to find vulnerabilities without internal information.

  • White Box Testing: Testers have complete access to the application’s source code and architecture. This enables in-depth analysis, identifying vulnerabilities from the inside out.
  • Gray Box Testing: Testers have partial knowledge of the application’s code and architecture. They simulate both internal and external attacks, making it a balanced approach.

Choosing the testing approach could affect both budget and time of testing.

At Sabean, our approach to web penetration testing is grounded in our extensive cybersecurity expertise, unwavering dedication to industry best practices, and a proactive commitment to protecting your digital assets.

Our comprehensive methodology guarantees a thorough evaluation of your web applications, identifying vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential security threats.

Email: hello@sabtechx.com